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I Am Not

I am falling into the void that you call home
I am alone
I walk the streets of you and them and all big men
it’s so wrong
paved with blood and sweat and watered with the tears
of fools like me
who turn their heads to look away and cry soft
but still believe

I am not
part of this elitist safety game
that turns miracles into explanations.
I am not
one of the well meaning orphans
who make faith in god sound like a chore.
I am not
here for fashion trends and kids
whose parents will not save them.
I am not
willing to hide all my sins
and market Christ like He’s a whore.

I have head a people crying out for affection
so alone
We hope to laugh, need to rest, want to matter
It’s not wrong
With shovels in hand we slave to dig our wells
that won’t deliver
While ghosts of our fathers stand aside and pray we find
that river.

Posted by Penny Rene at December 22, 2003 04:07 PM

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