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Honey suckle, Leon's leg, fireflies, school uniforms and nuns
World of Disney, airport waiting, Speed Racer and cap guns
Sitting by the speakers, sleeping in the station wagon
Detailed Christmas wish lists; think of all the fun we're havin'
Lunch boxes, a game of jacks, Keri Cox and Hubba Bubba
Elvis and the Cassidys, sweet Chuck Miller and the others

Hey kitty, kitty come out and play
with the girls from Willowbrook Drive
Its Alicat girl and her Half Pint sissy
Lets' make up for lost time

Skateland, sweet tarts, Funguns and tight jeans
The Flippo brothers, lip gloss, feathered hair into the teens
Best friend cheerleaders, brother on the prowl
Moving to the suburb school; though we appreciate it now
Rainbow dances, Jesus Christ, a pastor's son
summer camp romances, we couldn't be outdone

Hey kitty, kitty come out and play
with the girls from Willowbrook Drive
Its Alicat girl and her Half Pint sissy
Lets' make up for lost time

Career tracks and auntie hats, parental wedding and some funerals
Stupid husband bag of tricks, but hope would spring eternal
Sassy-classy photo shoot, a leap to Music City
a nip, a tuck, a wink, wink to keep you looking pretty
A Con-man birth, a mother's worth, Romania, a bomb
Apology, a friendship forged; has it been that long?

Oh kitty, kitty, come out and play
with the girls from Willowbrook Drive
It's Ali Cat girl and her Half Pint Sissy
We got lots of time
We got lots of time

Posted by Penny Rene at July 6, 2000 04:20 PM

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