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unfolding before my very eyes
all that i predicted, but it still takes me by surprise
i can tell you, with all the uncertainty of god
that this is nothing
chagall, paint me in a picture
chagall, i'll paint you in this song
chagall, tell jesus I love him
chagall, with you, nothing's really wrong
nothing's wrong
i have a scar on my breast
and a fresh divorce decree
my stories about last year
would bring you to you knees
but i can tell you with all the confidence of god
this is nothing
chagall, paint me in a picture
chagall, i'll paint you in this song
chagall, tell jesus I love him
chagall, with you, nothing's really wrong
nothing's wrong
he made our love and then he made his way
even if i didn't need him, of his leaving, there is nothing good to say
but god is always here reminding this is nothing
Posted by Penny Rene at April 3, 2000 01:06 PM
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