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Elizabeth & the Pauper
These days are heavy with souls long ago lost at sea
Me thinks someone should beat the pauper bloody
let him feel his bruises and see if he can still kick up his heels at night.
If I paint this picture, your eyes will be swollen shut . Swollen with pride
and a yellow, foul liquid will leak from your mouth
It will be more recognizable than you.
You think you entertain angels.
But I am not amused.
And there are not enough of us who would pay your rent.
I bound my ears with bandages!
I hung a wreath on the door and sang your name in the street!
You bought me a poison dress.
This day is sick with the virus of your delusion
as regret hangs thick in the air of little souls;
might they fall dead in the street if they saw your reflection on this night
If I believed in traitors, your eyes would shine bright like silver. Mercury in a vile
and music of the heavens would fall from your lips.
Angels would dance on treetops.
You see nothing but nothing
But I demand the highest loyalty
And there is not enough magic in my bag of tricks for change.
I held your hand in the canvases!
I examined my intentions and blocked the stones with my own body!
You dined with my enemies.
Posted by Penny Rene at 01:49 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack