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Cheers to the Happy Couple
I should be packing. I should.
But fuck I should.
I. Should is an asshole who bores me.
I love the way you look at me
when you look like you’re going to run.
Congratulations! I will say. Congrats! And Isn’t it wonderful!?
And you will smile and nod your head in that affirmation
more for yourself than me.
Neither one of us will be entirely convinced.
But it will be done.
God’s will be done.
By God.
There is a theory, no, a statistic, that shows
that a man,
once married,
no matter how stifiling the union
or how bankrupt his soul at the departing
will marry again – soon.
Fear of lonliness, unrecognised optimism or stupidity?
You decide.
But there you are
on the threshold of yet another
unmarked forest
with another
man made princess.
Congrats! I will say. And Isn’t it wonderful?
Here. A tiara for her; and a straight face for you.
I made them myself.
Posted by Penny Rene at February 3, 2000 01:13 PM
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