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Dear Blue

If I could
I would
For you
Dear Blue

Dust off the small beliefs
Rearrange the mountains
Lay my head in your backyard
Dance in the fountains
Be a real best friend
Learn to read your mind
Howl at all your bad jokes
Show up everywhere on time

If I could
I would
For you
Dear Blue

Brag about your good looks
Be a full time lover
Help you up when you fall down
Make nice with your mother
Open my heart to the fresh air
Let you be a king
Put away the past
Maybe learn to sing

If you would
I would
For you
Dear Blue

Stick around in the hard times
Love with unequaled passion
Fight all the monsters
Wear the latest fashion
Hold your hand in the rainstorm
Stop the cameras flashing
Kiss the babies at sunset
Leave the critics laughing

I would
We could
Dear Blue

Posted by Penny Rene at January 15, 2000 01:30 PM

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